News and Events

Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga presided over the celebrations of the 74th National Day of The People’s Republic of China

The 1stDPM|Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga (MP) presided over the celebrations of the 74th National Day of The People's Republic of China held at Sheraton Kampala Hotel. While addressing the Chinese celebrants who gathered at the Sheraton Hotel, Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga acknowledged the tremendous progress made by China in terms of its contribution to Global Governance through initiatives such as the Global Security Governance Initiative (GSI), Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the Global...

RT. Hon Rebecca Kadaga Officially Opens High-Level Policy Dialogue on Education in Uganda.

1DPM/Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda, Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga One of the education policies in Uganda stipulates free compulsory Universal Education, Adult Literacy Education at the Secondary level to be provided to 30% of primary school leavers and higher education to be provided to 20% of those who complete Secondary. To support the already existing education policy in Uganda, recently cabinet approved the National Early Childhood Development and Education Policy. This morning Rt. Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga (MP), represented...

Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga Hosts Officials From Uganda Airlines.

Rt.Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga (left) and CEO of Uganda Airlines Ms. Jenifer Bamuturaki earlier today at Ministry of East African Community Affairs Uganda offices in Kampala. This morning Rt. Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga (MP) hosted the CEO of Uganda Airlines Ms. Jenifer Bamuturaki. The Chief Commercial Officer, Mr. Adedayo Olawuyi, and the Manager of Government Relations and Routes Coord, Mr. Deo Nyanzi accompanied. The 1DPM/Minister for EAC Affairs –Uganda and her guests discussed the national carrier’s regional operations...

Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga Chairs 54th Extra Ordinary Council- EAC.

Rt.Hon Rebecca Kadaga Chairing Council of Ministers in Nairobi. The Permanent Secretaries of ministries of the East African Community, those from other ministries, and technical officers within the East African Community having spent the day deliberating on different item agendas, having discussed and satisfied with the outcome, the Coordination Committee members of the East African Community unanimously signed the report. In the presence of the EAC newly appointed Secretary General, H.E Veronica Mueni Nduva, CBS, the Deputy Secretary General, Infrastructure, Productive...