News and Events

The Coordination Committee On EAC Affairs Begins

Permsnent Secretary, Ministry of EAC Affairs Uganda, Mrs. Edith Mwanje The 54th Extra Ordinary meeting of the Council of Ministers began yesterday with a session of the coordination committee that has continued since this morning before the Ministerial session, which will take place later this afternoon. The Coordination Committee comprised of Ministries of EAC Permanent Secretaries and technical officers. The purpose of the Coordination Committee session is to brainstorm and come to conclusions on different agenda items before the Chair...

The 54th Council of EAC Ministers Deliberates in Nairobi

Rt, Hon Rebecca Kadaga (left) Chairing Council of Ministers meeting in Nairobi During the 45th meeting, the East African Community Council of Ministers directed the secretariat to convene a dedicated council session by 30th August 2024. Upon the EAC Secretariat receiving this directive, a three-day sitting of the 54th Extra Ordinary Council was organized and started on 27th -29/ August/24 at Windsor Hotel, Nairobi Kenya. Sessions began with the convening of the Coordination Committee. Rt.Hon Rebecca Kadaga 4th (left) with EAC...

The 46th EAC Council of Ministers Commesed in Arusha- TZ.

The 46th Council of Ministers meeting of the East African Community (EAC) which started with Consideration of the Report of Coordination Committee, is on course and ongoing from November 22 to November 28, 2024, in Arusha, Tanzania on the theme:. The meeting has brought together ministers from the eight EAC partner states: Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, Rwanda, Somalia, South Sudan, Uganda, and Tanzania. some of the key topics discussed during deliberations in the ministerial session included: Implement...

The 45th Meeting Of The Council Of Ministers- Arusha

Rt.Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga during the session of the council of ministers The 1DPM/Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga on invitation by the Chairperson of the EAC Council of Ministers fulfilled Article 15 of the East African Community Treaty and attended the 45th meeting of the Council of Ministers at EAC headquarters in Arusha in the United Republic of Tanzania. The Minister led a delegation from Uganda comprising the Minister of State for Internal...

Thank you

Because Rt. Hon Dr. Alitwala Rebecca Kadaga (MP) is one who is kind, helpful, caring and compassionate, that is why Mr. Ebiachu Emmanuel upon his return from Turkey, this afternoon paid a visit to The 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of East African Community Affairs in Uganda to thank the emeritus of the 9th and 10th Parliament of Uganda for sponsorship she offered to Mr. Ebiachu to attend the World Youth model of united nations in Istanbul-Turkey. The conference model...