General News

Cause no delays for PDM Beneficiaries

As a minister assigned by the Cabinet to take lead, oversee and other ministers from Busoga and the success of the Parish Development Model program in the region, The 1stDPM|Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga-MP embarked on her second marathon tour in the districts of Buyende and Jinja to set off parish revolving funds to the verified PDM-SACCOs. The woman member of Parliament for Kamuli district was not pleased with the hectic and complicated Bank procedures...

Kadaga gives Hope to Traders to at Mpondwe Border

“There are still gaps around awareness and knowledge regarding the EAC among small and medium enterprises. Knowledge about customs, standards and other regulatory processes involved in cross border trading.” The 1stDPM|Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga (MP) had an engagement with the Mpodwe border business Community, URA customs personnel, Security agencies at the border and Local Government officials in Bwera. The business community was very pleased with the minister’s visit because of a wide range of challenges...