Uganda -DRC Strengthen Pillars of Integration

The Democratic Republic of government officials and stakeholders were in Uganda for five days undergoing training in Kampala, Uganda on the East African Community Customs Union Protocol and the One Stop Border Posts Concept. Their training has been focused on several causes in the EAC region in the areas of

Human trafficking
Refugee management and
Disease outbreak in the region. The delegation completed its tour of duty in Uganda by benchmarking OSBP Operations at the Mutukula border. The Democratic Republic of the Congo was admitted as a member of the EAC on 29 March 2022, at a virtual Head of State summit chaired by Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, and officially became a member of the East African Community on 11 July 2022 after depositing the instrument of ratification. The population of The DRC stands at 103.9 million with 250 ethnic groups have been identified and named. Together, Mongo, Luba, Kongo peoples, Mangbetu, and the Azande peoples constitute around 45% of the population. The Kongo people are the largest ethnic group in the D.R. of Congo.