Rt.Hon Rebecca Kadaga Officiates at the IOM- EAC Migration Process.

1DPM/Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda, Rt.Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga (MP).
The International Organisation on Migration organized a five-day consultative process on migration In the East African Community at Protea-Mariot Hotel, Entebbe with the objective that it will lead to safe and orderly migration.
Article 7 (10) and 76 (4) of the treaty established the framework for an export-oriented economy among the partner states, a cornerstone towards EAC free movement of goods, persons, labor, services, capital, information and technology, and other migration-related provisions. during the meeting, Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga emphasized the importance of social workers at the borders to support refugees, asylum seekers, and migrants helping them navigate complex legal systems and access necessary services. during this consultative meeting, all partner states were

represented by their ministers and technical officers. They were informed that under the labor and migration sub-sector was the finalization and adoption of the Labor Migration Policy and its implementation plan by the 45th Council of Ministers. having progressed on the labor migration policy, there were some challenges highlighted that hinder migration management across East African Community Partner States which among others include the delayed harmonization of policies, laws, and systems that affect the implementation production of migration and displacement statistics, and data gaps in disaggregated indicators.