Promote Accountability for Women’s Financial Inclusion- Kadaga

Promote Accountability for Women’s Financial Inclusion- Kadaga

This morning Rt. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga delivered a keynote address to participants from different finance and digital technologies stakeholders at the East African Community Experts Leaders Group that convened on Digital Finance at Four Points by Sheraton in Kampala. The minister recalled that in the early 1980s that’s when the first women’s finance trust was established and noted that the women of Africa had used their positions to open doors and create awareness and appreciated HE Mrs Gracia Machel, The Founder of the Gracia Machel Trust for the great work she has done for the continent.

During her keynote address, the 1DPM/Minister for EAC Uganda in Nile Hall today, the Speaker emeritus of the 9th and 10th Parliament of Uganda said that it is evident that digital finance holds tremendous potential to transform the economic landscape for women. However, Kadaga retaliated that this potential remains largely untapped due to systematic barriers and hinders women’s access between men and women. As the minister for East African Community Affairs in Uganda, she recognized the pivotal role of regional collaboration in advancing the shared goals of women’s economic empowerment in the region.

Rt.Hon Rebecca Kadaga (center) in a group photograph with participants.

The Graça Machel Trust (GMT) was established in 2010 as a Pan-African institution whose vision is to nurture caring societies that value social justice; and promote and protect the rights of women and children. Our mission is to amplify women’s movements, influence governance, promote women’s contributions and leadership in Africa’s economic, social, and political development, and advocate for the protection of children’s rights and dignity. We build Pan-African women’s sector-based networks and strategic partnerships to drive catalytic actions and advocacy that puts women and children at the center of Africa’s development agenda.

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