News and Events

Courtesy visit by the delegation of the East African Community Parliamentary committee on East African Affairs

A delegation of the East African Community Parliamentary committee on East African Affairs this morning,  paid a courtesy visit to the 1st Deputy Premier and Cabinet Minister of East African Community Affairs RT. Hon. Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga. The Minister made remarks on one of the broad functions of the Parliamentary committee on East African Community Affairs which hinge on Free Movement of Persons, Labor, Services, Right of Establishment and Residence. the delegation was headed by the Chairperson of Parliamentary committee on...

Council Of Ministers Adopts EAC Budget.

The 52nd Extra Ordinary Meeting of The Council held on 16th April 2024, directed the secretariat to convene the 53rd Extra Ordinary Meeting of The Council. it's on this background that Rt. Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga led a team of senior officials from the Ministry of East African Community Affairs in Uganda to attend the 53rd Extra Ordinary Meeting of The Council of Ministers to consider the budget estimates for the community for the financial year 2024/25. before the adoption...

Cause no delays for PDM Beneficiaries

As a minister assigned by the Cabinet to take lead, oversee and other ministers from Busoga and the success of the Parish Development Model program in the region, The 1stDPM|Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga-MP embarked on her second marathon tour in the districts of Buyende and Jinja to set off parish revolving funds to the verified PDM-SACCOs. The woman member of Parliament for Kamuli district was not pleased with the hectic and complicated Bank procedures...

Call For Pensioners

The attached pensioners were invited for physical verification in the year 2022 to enable this Ministry to pay their outstanding pension and gratuity arrears, but to date many have not turned up. This is a final reminder to all those who have not turned up to come to this Ministry's Headquarters at Kingdom Kampala Building on Second floor to be verified. They should come along with their Bank details, NINs, TIN numbers and Letters of Administration to beneficiaries. Please treat this matter...