Embrace a Collective Idetity- Kadaga

Bishop Samuel
The 1DPM/Minister for East African Community Affairs noted that the issue of sovereignty is still a challenge within the East African Community because of the prevalent mindset of “this is mine” and “this is ours” something the minister sees as hindering the ability to truly embrace a collective identity within the community. Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga said that while addressing the youth this afternoon who gathered at Cavendish University under their umbrella EAC Youth League. The EAC Youth Seminar- Uganda Chapter focused on the youth in fast-tracking the EAC Integration Agenda. Hon Mukasa Mbidde addressed the youth and emphasized the importance of youth breaking down barriers to what he called true integration. The Commissioner of Social Affairs at the Ministry of East African Community Affairs Uganda, Mr. Edward Sebina called on the youth to participate in meaningful discussions that promote the EAC integration agenda.