Don’t Tax Children

Rt. Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga (MP), 1DPM and Minister for East African Community Affairs Uganda.
Yesterday evening, Rt. Hon Rebecca Kadaga (MP) officiated at the fundraising and launch ceremony of TBS Nursing Care at Mestil Hotel in Kampala. in her speech, the Speaker emeritus of the 9th and 10th Parliament of Uganda expressed concern about the taxation on diapers which she said repeatedly chased during her tenure as speaker. the Minister for East Africa Community Affairs Uganda said there should be no taxes levied on diapers for children or adults. however, the 1stDPM was bothered by the delays on the national health insurance scheme she said was adopted in 2012. the woman member of Parliament for Kamuli district also emphasized the need for more pediatric-trained nurses.
TBS Nursing Care provides quality and specialized bedside nursing services to patients with a variety of conditions either at their homes, in hospitals, or at their elderly Home in kisugu -muyenga.